Study Guide 6 - Advancment

I) Normal advancement conditions
- With out any kind of early advancement it take 24 months to advance from E-1 to E-4.
   - E-1 to E-2: 9 months
   - E-2 to E-3: 9 months
   - E-3 to E-4: 6 months

II) Early advancement conditions
- It is possible to enlist with an advanced pay grade, and/or advance in pay grade while in the DEP or during RTC. Review the charts on page 29 of the START Guide.

III) The Referral Recognition Program
- This is an early advancement program providing the opportunity to advance while still in the DEP. If you refer someone to your mentor (recruiter) and that person then enlists you could be advanced to E-2 or E-3.
   - Review the chats on page 29 of the START Guide. 

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