Study Guide - Navy Terminology

Adrift - loose from mooring and out of control (applied to anything lost, out of hand, or left lying about)

Aft-end - near or toward the stern of the vessel

All Hands - the entire ship's company, both officer and enlisted

Allotment - an amount of money a member has coming out of his/her regular pay

Aye-aye - reply to an order or command meaning "I understand and will comply"

Barracks - building where Sailors live

Below - downstairs

Brightwork - brass or shiny metal kept polishied rather than painted

Bulkhead - Wall

Bunk (Rack) - bed

Buoy - an anchored float used as an aid to navigation or to mark the location of an object

Carry On - an order to resume work or duties

Cast Off - to throw off; to let go; to unfurl

Chain Locker - compartment in which anchor chain is stowed

Chit, Chit Book - coupon or receipt book

Chow Hall (Mess Deck) - place to eat

Colors - Raising or lowering of a national flag, ceremonies held at 0800 and sunset for hoisting and hauling down the national ensign

Deck - Horizontal planking or plating that divides a ship into layer; floor

Deep Six - to dispose of by throwing over the side

Ensign - national flag, commissioned officer between the rank of Chief Warrant Officer and Lieutenant Junior Grade

Fast - snugly secured

Fathom - a unit of length (equal to 6 feet) used for measuring the depth of water

Flag Officer - any commissioned officer in paygrade O-7 or above

Galley - kitchen

Gangway - an opening in a bulwark or lifeline that provides access to a brow or accommodation ladder; an order meaning clear the way

Gear Locker - storage room

Geedunk - candy, gum or cafeteria

General Quarters - battle stations

Liberty - permission to leave the base (usually for not more than 48 hours)

Lifeline - lines erected around the weatherdecks of a ship to prevent personnel from falling or being washed over the side

Overhead - ceiling

Passageway - hallway

Quarters - assembling of all hands for muster, instructions, and inspection

Rating - a job specialty title

Reveille - wake up, start a new day

Scullery - place to wash dishes

Scuttlebut - drinking fountain, a rumor

Secure - lock, put away of stop work

Sickbay - hospital or medical clinic

Swab - mop

Taps - time to sleep, end of day

Tattoo - five minutes before taps

Topside - upstairs

Turn To - begin work

Working Aloft - working above the highest deck, generally performing maintenance on the ship's mast

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