Study Guide 3 - Code of Ethics

I) The Navy's Policy on Alcohol use.

     If you are under age you must say NO to alcohol use.

     If you are of age and choose to drink you must use good judgement and drink responsibly.

     Irresponsible alcohol use will not be tolerated.

II) The Navy's Drug Policy

     The Navy has Zero Tolerance Drug Policy.

     A urinalysis will take place within 72 hours of arrival at RTC and if the test is positive you will be discharged based on fraudulent enlistment.

     Alcohol abuse or illegal or improper use of drugs during your enlistment could result in possible administrative separation with a less than honorable discharge and loss of veterans benefits.

III) The Navy's Sexual Harassment Policy

     Sexual Harassment is a from of discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

     Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct; it debilitates morale, interferes with the work productivity of an organization and causes serious psychological stress for the recipient.

     It is the responsibility of every member of the U.S. Navy to ensure that sexual harassment is prevented and that any instance of sexual harassment is dealt with swiftly, fairly, and effectively.

IV) Fraternization

     New recruits at RTC will NOT be allowed to talk or socialize between the sexes.

     Any recruit that breaks this rule may be set back 2 weeks in training.

V) Your mentor's (recruiter's) prohibited practices

     Be familiar with the list of prohibited practices on page 33 of the START Guide.

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