Study Guide 2 - Navy Core Values

I) The navy core values are:
     Honor, Courage, and Commitment

II) Be able to differentiate between Honor, Courage, and Commitment as defined by the START Guide:
          Illegal or improper behavior or even the appearance of such behavior will not be tolerated. We are accountable for our professional and personal behavior. We will be mindful of the privilege we have to serve our fellow Americans. 

          Courage is the value that gives us the moral and mental strength to do what is right even in the face of personal or professional adversity.

          The day-to-day duty of every Navy man and woman Is to work together as a team to improve the quality of our work, our people and ourselves. Your decision to become part of a proud organization with a rich, time-honored tradition is one of the most important you will ever make. You will be a member of a team that functions only as well as its people perform their duties and work toward common goals.

III) Familiarize yourselves with the bullet points under the "Navy Core Values" section of the START Guide, well enough to define each Core Value. (This section of the START Guide may vary from version to version) 

Sample Scenario Questions:

1) Jack is an experienced employee who frequently receives bonus pay for filling orders in less than the expected time. While training a group of new hires an order comes through which would be a perfect opportunity for hands on training. Jack could easily fill the order in less than 10 minutes, thus receiving bonus pay, but instead decides to let the new hires handle it while he takes them through the process. This is an example of? Commitment.

     "The day-to-day duty of every Navy man and woman Is to work together as a team to improve the quality of our work, our people and ourselves." This is Commitment because Jack is putting the needs of his team before his own. His actions set the ground work for a stronger and better experienced team which will benefit the company more than one experienced individual. " ...a team that functions only as well as its people perform their duties and work toward common goals."

2) Jane and her friend Jill purchased tickets to their favorite band’s concert. They saved for these tickets for 2 months and are very excited about going. When they get to the concert Jane notices that some of the concert goers, as well as some of the staff, are smoking what appears to be and smells like Marijuana. Jane tells Jill that they should leave, but Jill refuses saying that the tickets cost too much for them not to stay. Jane decides to leave anyway. This is an example of? Honor

     "Illegal or improper behavior or even the appearance of such behavior will not be tolerated. We are accountable for our professional and personal behavior." This is Honor because Jane decides to not be associated with even the appearance of an illegal substance. "Abide by an uncompromising code of integrity..." She decides not to sacrifice her integrity even though she has invested time, energy, and money that she will never get back.
3) John works as a foreman for a construction company and is currently on assignment building houses for a client with a strict time limit. The first several houses were built with no problem, but on John’s off day the last houses’ foundation was not properly done. When John comes back to work he discovers the poor foundation job, and that the frame work was already in progress. There are not enough materials to redo the foundation, but would be dangerous to continue building on the poor foundation. He decides to delay building the last house until next week when they could get more materials and do the job properly, which causes them to lose the client for future business. This is an example of? Courage

     " do what is right even in the face of personal or professional adversity." John knows the client has a strict time limit, and that he will lose future business, but still chooses to delay building the final house in order to make it safe for his crew and the future inhabitants. This is Courage :"Make decisions in the best interest of the Navy and the nation without regard to personal consequences."

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